Below you’ll find details of CCYP projects from past years, including information on associated initiatives and outcomes or details of ongoing project activities.
Place the interests of children and young people front and centre in everyday life
Children and young people are directly affected by the decisions that are made today by adults. Their everyday lives as well as their future are impacted by policies, systems and services. Children and young people are best placed in many cases to identify what they need, what will improve their lives and how best to engage them. By including children and young people in decisions making processes, their views and ideas will enable the development of more effective, efficient, timely and impactful policies, systems and services.
Prioritise the development and wellbeing of those who are doing it tough
There are children and young people in SA not doing as well as we want, or receiving the support they need to succeed. This includes children in care and protection, those involved in youth justice, children with a disability, children falling through the gaps in systems, such as education and health, and those who have experienced trauma and discrimination. There are many children who are in homeless families, have caring responsibilities or who are in families struggling to make ends meet. These kids are doing it tough. This is not an inevitability. We can work together to break the cycles of disadvantage and bring about change for all children and young people who need extra support to develop and flourish.
Engage and empower young digital citizens
Children born this century are growing up in a completely digital world. This impacts on the way children and young people view their world, access information and services, gain knowledge, form opinions and participate in things that matter to them. Digital access doesn’t automatically translate to digital literacy and digital empowerment. All children and young people in SA should be able to engage with the digital world, access its benefits equally, be digitally included and have their rights protected.
Strengthen children and young people’s participation in society
Children and young people want to contribute to the vision, strategy, culture and operations of public institutions, laws and governance. They want to matter, be connected to a purpose and have their individual and collective strengths and contribution recognised. We must engage children and young people, and provide opportunities to build a society based on increased honesty, integrity, transparency and equality. This will strengthen our democratic institutions and structures and protections that underpin the fabric of civil society, and promote economic and social justice.