Guide to Becoming a More Cost Friendly School

Advice on how schools and the broader community can support students whose families are struggling to afford additional costs associated with going to school in non-stigmatising ways.

2024 Child Rights Progress Reports

The Commissioner has released her annual suite of Child Rights Progress Reports examining SA’s progress against UN Committee recommendations across seven key child rights areas: health, justice, protection, disability, education, environment and physical punishment.

Unseen and Unheard

Unique perspectives in relation to the impact of violence on C&YP, including insights from eight SA young people with lived experience of violence who share their thoughts on ways to prevent, intervene, respond, recover and heal from violence in their lives.

Teenagers and Gambling

Teenagers who completed the Commissioner’s Gambling Survey said they want to be better informed about gambling, including what leads to gambling harm.

The Things that Matter to Gender Diverse Primary Students

Gender diverse children attend schools all across South Australia. This snapshot highlights the thoughts and feelings that are both unique to gender diverse children, and shared with many other children.

Teenagers and Safety

This report examines survey responses from 908 South Australian teenagers and provides a rare and valuable insight into their understanding of what safety means and where teenagers feel safe.

SA SRC Campaign Position Briefs

The South Australian Student Representative Council (SA SRC) have released campaign position briefs for each of the 2024 campaigns, which outline the goals and methodology of the campaigns.

Smacking and Physical Punishment

Australia is among the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child signatories that has not yet joined the 66 countries which have made it illegal for parents to smack their children. Approaches to discipline need to be positive and move beyond physical punishment.

Listening to LGBTQIA+ Young People

Repeated reports of discrimination towards LGBTQIA+ young people have prompted the Commissioner to delve into the issues faced by these young people across many aspects of their lives because all young people have the right to live their lives free of discrimination.

UN Convention on the Rights of the Child

Every right, for every child! On 20 November 1989 the United Nations adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child. More than 195 countries have ratified this document since, making it the most important human rights treaty in history! Do you know what rights it contains?  







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