Where to get help
If you need some support and you’re not sure who can help, explore the links below to find out which organisations are best placed to assist. If you’re still not sure, get in touch, as we may be able to point you in the right direction.
In an emergency, call 000
Crisis Support
Lifeline is a national charity providing all Australians experiencing emotional distress with access to 24 hour crisis support and suicide prevention services. Lifeline provides compassionate support for people in crisis. No judgement. No conditions. No agenda. Just a human connection to help people get through their darkest moments.
You can access Lifeline’s services on the phone, through text, or online.
Website: lifeinmind.org.au
Phone: 131 114
Text: 0477 131 114
13YARN provides crisis support to First Nations people 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to yarn without judgement and provide a confidential, culturally safe space to yarn about your needs, worries or concerns.
When contacting 13YARN, you can feel assured knowing you will be speaking with another Aboriginal or Torres Straight Islander person who will understand where you are coming from
Website: 13yarn.org.au
Phone: 13 92 76
Yarrow Place Rape and Sexual Assault Service
Yarrow Place provides a free and confidential service for those over the age of 16 years who have been sexually assaulted. Services include a 24 Hour Crisis Response Service for recent sexual assault—social worker support, medical care by a doctor or nurse, and advice for those considering legal action.
Phone: 1800 817 421
Website: wchn.sa.gov.au/our-network/yarrow-place
Kids Helpline
Kids Helpline operates seven days a week and 24 hours per day to provide counselling services to Australian children and young people between the ages of 5 and 25 years. If you are a child between these ages and you need support at anytime for any reason, phone the number below at no cost to you and speak with a trained counsellor who will be able to provide you with some support.
Free call: 1800 55 1800 Anytime. Any Reason.
For more information about Kids Helpline visit: kidshelpline.com.au
Suicide Call Back Service
A free 24/7 counselling service for suicide prevention and mental health via telephone, online and video for anyone affected by suicidal thoughts.
Contact: 1800 817 421
Website: suicidecallbackservice.org.au
Disability Support
Disability Advocacy Complaint Service SA (DACSSA)
Phone: (08) 8297 3500
For more information visit: https://www.dacssa.org.au/
Gender & Sexuality
A free and confidential service for people newly identifying as LGBTIQA+, those questioning their sexuality, gender identity or intersex variations, and also support for friends and families.
Where: All suburbs in the greater Adelaide metropolitan area
Phone: 08 8202 5190
Email: bfriend@unitingcommunities.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BfriendUC
Rainbow Directory SA
The Rainbow Directory SA includes services, organisations, groups and activities that are for, or inclusive of, LGBTIQA+ communities.
Website: www.rainbowdirectorysa.com.au
SAGA (headspace Marion)
A social group for LGBTQIA+ young people aged 12-25, SAGA is a safe space to build resilience, develop new skills and get peer support.
Where: headspace Marion – 233 Sturt Rd, Marion
Phone: 08 8490 7700
Email: info@headspacemarion.org.au
QLife is for LGBTIQ+ people and their loved ones wanting to talk about a range of issues including sexuality, identity, gender, bodies, feelings, or relationships. While QLife does not provide specific advice or treatment for medical conditions, people who contact QLife may do so as a tool to support their mental health including but not limited to depression, anxiety, stress, trauma, gender dysphoria, and loneliness.
QLife does not provide crisis mental health services.
Website: qlife.org.au/get-help
Phone: 08 8215 6340
Gender Connect Country SA
Do you live in rural or regional South Australia and have questions about being or supporting those who identify as trans, gender diverse or gender questioning?
SHINE SA’s Gender Connect Country SA is a free service that provides confidential support from peer workers with lived experience of gender diversity, over the phone or via webchat.
Website: shinesa.org.au/gender-connect
Phone: 08 7099 5390
Queer Quest (headspace Port Adelaide)
A group program for young people aged 12-17 years who identify as gender questioning, gender diverse and transgender. A safe space to build resilience, develop new skills and get peer support.
Where: headspace Port Adelaide – 78-80 St Vincent Street, Port Adelaide
Phone: 08 8215 6340
Email: headspaceportadelaide@centacare.org.au
Housing & Homelessness
PICKLE is a mobile phone app and website designed to assist young people who are experiencing homelessness or who are at risk of homelessness to find help and support. PICKLE is particularly helpful in connecting young people with a human services worker as quickly as possible. PICKLE also promotes the South Australian Homelessness Gateway FREE CALL number to those who may need it but may not be aware of it.
For more information visit the PICKLE website or download the app from Google Play or the App Store.
South Australian Homelessness Gateway FREE CALL 1800 003 308 ☏ at any time, 24hours a day, seven days a week).
Homeless Connect SA
Uniting Communities and Helping Young People Achieve (HYPA) form Homeless Connect SA, a 24/7 state-wide telephone service for anyone experiencing homelessness in South Australia. Available anytime as a free call to help you find information and a direct referral into homelessness services.
Contact: 1800 003 308 (24/7 Service)
Website: http://www.homelessconnectsa.org/
HYPA Housing
Helping Young People Achieve (HYPA) Housing is operated by SYC and offers young people aged 17-25 years who are experiencing or at-risk of homelessness a safe and affordable mid-term housing option while they work towards moving into independent housing. The HYPA Housing model also offers extra support to help tenants develop independent living skills, from learning how to budget to managing their relationships with peers and neighbours. Community Coordinators and Youth Workers are available to work with tenants to improve their situation and to help them successfully find a longer term place to live.
Website: http://www.syc.net.au/home/homelessness/hypa-housing
Keeping my Place
Keeping my Place provides early intervention and support to young people who are living in private rental, but at risk of losing their home as a result of personal or financial crisis. Operated by St John’s Youth Services, the Keeping my Place team respond to the immediate needs expressed by young people at risk of eviction and homelessness. The approach taken encourages young people’s participation to cut through to the core issues preventing them from succeeding, enabling a response that is individualised and tailored to their needs.
Website: http://www.stjohnsyouthservices.org.au/services/keeping-my-place
Trace-A-Place is a specialist youth homelessness service that helps young people access crisis accommodation and wrap around supports. Operated by the Service to Youth Council (SYC) it aims to bring together important services, expertise and immediate supports for young people experiencing homelessness or housing insecurity.
Website: http://www.syc.net.au/home/homelessness/trace-a-place
Legal Advice
South Australian Legal Services Commission
For more information visit: www.lsc.sa.gov.au
General enquiries: (08) 8463 3555
For free legal advice of a general nature, call 1300 366 424 on workdays between 9am and 4.30pm.
The Principal Training Centre Advocate
The Principal Training Centre Advocate is appointed pursuant to section 11 of the Youth Justice Administration Act 2016 (the Act) to provide advocacy and support to the children and young people detained in the Kurlana Tapa Youth Justice Centre. The Training Centre Visitor Unit (TVCU) works with the Principal Training Centre Advocate to promote and protect the interests and rights of children and young people in detention.
Youth Law Australia
For more information or if you need legal advice visit: gethlep.yla.org.au click on the YLA ‘Get help now’ button here.
Or phone (02) 9385 9588 Monday – Friday between 9.30am and 5pm (AEST).
Mental Health
Beyond Blue
Provides information and support to help people achieve their best possible mental health.
Website: http://www.beyondblue.org.au/
Bullying. No Way!
Bullying. No Way! is designed to provide parents and children with access to information about bullying, harassment, discrimination and violence in schools. It contains a mix of games, art, stories, forums, advice and facts about bullying, including cyber bullying.
Website: bullyingnoway.gov.au
Butterfly Foundation
A foundation supporting all people who experience issues around eating disorders and who have trouble with their body image. The website explains eating disorders, has links to workshops, support groups and programs for both young people and their carers.
Website: http://www.butterfly.org.au/
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)
The Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) is a free community-based tertiary mental health service provided through the WCHN across South Australia, providing care to those with severe and/or complex mental health needs.
Contact: 1300 222 647 CAMHS Connect Line,
Mon-Fri during office hours
Children of Parents with a Mental Illness (COPMI)
COPMI is a national government-funded initiative which provides information for children and young people, professionals, parents, family and friends.
Website: http://www.copmi.net.au/
eheadspace is part of headspace, Australia’s National Youth Mental Health Foundation providing early intervention mental health services to 12-25 year olds. eheadspace provides confidential free online and telephone support and counselling to young people in this age group and their families and friends. eheadspace clinicians are experienced youth mental health professionals, social workers, mental health nurses, psychologists and occupational therapists.
Website: headspace.org.au/online-and-phone-support
Emerging Minds
Emerging Minds provides resources and guidelines for health professionals, organisations, and families, about improving the mental health and emotional wellbeing of children and young people. It provides resources and guidelines for health professionals and organisations, including information on engaging with and helping children and young people.
Website: emergingminds.com.au
Equal Opportunity 4 Schools
Equal Opportunity 4 Schools lists information for students and teachers about discrimination, bullying and sexual harrassment.
Website: http://www.eoc.sa.gov.au/eo4schools
There are 13 headspace centres in communities throughout South Australia that offer in-person, online and phone counselling services, vocational services, and social support groups.
If you are a young person between the age of 12 and 25 years and need support with your mental health, physical health (including sexual health), alcohol or other drug use, or work or study support, headspace can offer support.
Phone: 1800 063 267 (headspace – Adelaide City)
Website www.headspace.org.au/headspace-centres/
Our Watch
Our Watch presents information on what makes a relationship respectful aimed at primary and secondary school students. It aims to increase young people’s knowledge about what a respectful relationships looks and feels like, including commu- nication, trust and consideration for others in developing and maintaining healthy relationships.
Website: https://education.ourwatch.org.au/resource/the-line-love-is-respect/
ReachOut is the most accessed online mental health service for young people and their parents in Australia. Their trusted self-help information, peer-support program and referral tools save lives by helping young people be well and stay well. The information they offer parents makes it easier for them to help their teenagers too.
Website: http://www.reachout.com/
Kids Helpline
Kids Helpline operates seven days a week and 24 hours per day to provide counselling services to Australian children and young people between the ages of 5 and 25 years. If you are a child between these ages and you need support at anytime for any reason, phone the number below at no cost to you and speak with a trained counsellor who will be able to provide you with some support.
Free call: 1800 55 1800 Anytime. Any Reason.
For more information about Kids Helpline visit: kidshelpline.com.au
Parents and Carers
Carers SA
Carers SA provides information, support and referrals to young carers, including counselling and opportunities to connect with other young carers.
Contact: 1800 422 737
Website: http://www.carerssa.com.au/how-can-we-help/are-you-a-carer/young-carers
Connecting Foster and Kinship Carers, SA Inc.
Grandparents for Grandchildren
Grandparents for Grandchildren is a voluntary not-for-profit organisation formed to raise awareness of the social justice issues associated with the increasing demands on grandparents raising grandchildren, within the community and across all levels of government. GFGSA provides information and support services to provide grandparents with every opportunity to have access to and/or care of their grandchildren. They are committed to enhancing the welfare of children at risk or in crisis, to enable them to live within a safe, loving, healthy and supportive environment.
For more information visit: www.gfgsa.com.au
Phone: 08 8212 1937
Email: contactus@gfgsa.com.au
Parent Helpline
For more information visit: Parent Helpline South Australia
Phone 1300 364 100 (cost of a local call) 24 hours a day, seven days a week
Parenting SA
Choose from the links below:
For more information visit: www.parenting.sa.gov.au
Phone: 8303 1660
Email: health.parentingsa@sa.gov.au
Physical and Sexual Health
Health and Community Services Complaints Commissioner
Know Your Options
Know Your Options is a comprehensive Service Directory listing services throughout South Australia. The directory is managed by the Alcohol and Drug Information Service (ADIS) in partnership with the SA Network of Drug and Alcohol Services (SANDAS) and SA Government.
Metropolitan Youth Health Services
Metropolitan Youth Health Services within the Women’s and Children’s Health Network provides free, confidential services for young people aged 12-25 years across metropolitan Adelaide, with a focus on young people under 18 years.
Metropolitan Youth Health Services are tailored to young people who are currently or previously under the Guardianship of the Minister, Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander, young pregnant and/or parenting women and their partners, refugees, not able to live at home, same sex attracted and/or gender diverse, in the Adelaide Youth Training Centre.
Multicultural Youth SA
A leading community-based, not-for-profit organisation that provides a diverse range of services and programs to support multicultural young people and young families living in South Australia.
Child Abuse Report Line (CARL)
Child Abuse Report Line (CARL) is a report line operated by the SA Department for Child Protection. If you have serious concerns or suspect a case of child abuse or neglect please call the CARL report line operating 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Serious concerns include when you suspect a child or infant is in imminent or immediate danger of serious harm, serious injury, chronic neglect, or when a child is in care of the department and you suspect they are being abused or neglected.
Where you believe a child is in imminent or immediate danger call Emergency on 000
Where you have serious concerns about a child’s wellbeing call CARL on 13 14 78.
For non-urgent police assistance call 131 444
Website: SA Department for Children Protection
Streetlink Youth Health Service (Uniting Communities)
Health and medical support to young people aged 12 to 25. Provides support to young people and their families, including counselling about alcohol and other drugs.
My Place
My Place is a collaborative program with Yarrow Place and Metropolitan Youth Health to provide specialist therapeutic and health services to young people under guardianship or who have left guardianship and are under 25 years of age, who have been identified as being at risk of a pregnancy that could result in the removal of a child, or who have had a child or children removed into the care system previously. The aim of the program is to reduce the number of early pregnancies, removals, grief and loss, and the resulting impact of trauma on the young person and their children.
Shine SA
SHINE SA’s service and education delivery model works to provide sexual health education, early intervention, health promotion, clinical services and therapeutic counselling. It provides nurse-led and medical clinical assessment, treatment and counselling services. Drop-in clinics provide free responsive access to young people under the age of 30.
Services for Aboriginal Children and Young People
Aboriginal Legal Rights Movement
Freecall (SA Only) 1800 643 222
For more information visit: www.alrm.org.au/
SA Commissioner for Aboriginal Children and Young People
SA Commissioner for Aboriginal Children and Young People promotes and advocates for the rights, interests and well-being of Aboriginal children and young people in South Australia. The Commissioner is guided by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child as well as by the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples; the central instrument that defines the collective rights of Indigenous Peoples to their own distinct cultures and to pursue their development according to their own needs and aspirations. The Commissioner is the only independent body created solely to promote the rights, development and wellbeing of South Australian Aboriginal children and young people at a systemic level – this includes developing culturally safe and informed strategies and promoting Aboriginal voice with particular regard for safety and wellbeing.
To find out more visit: www.cacyp.com.au
Phone:(08) 8226 3351
Email: CommissionerACYP@sa.gov.au
Young Deadly Free
Young Deadly Free is a website offering a range of resources on sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and blood borne viruses (BBVs) developed specifically for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people living in remote communities across Australia. Developed by SAMHRI in consultation with the project consortia and with input from participating communities the resources are delivered in partnership with Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services and their affiliates.
Website: http://www.youngdeadlyfree.org.au/about-us/the-remote-sti-and-bbv-project
Youth Advocacy
eSafety Commissioner
The eSafety Commissioner has a range of information and resources for young people to help them stay safe online. The Office of the eSafety Commissioner also protects Australian children when they experience cyberbullying by administering a complaints scheme, and by dealing with complaints about prohibited online content.
Youth Affairs Council of South Australia (YACSA)
The Youth Affairs Council of South Australia (YACSA) is a peak body that represents the interests of young people, youth sector workers, organisations and networks throughout the non-government youth sector.
Website: www.yacsa.com.au
Office of the Guardian for Children and Young People
For more information visit: www.gcyp.sa.gov.au
Phone: 08 8226 8570
Freecall for SA children and young people only: 1800 275 664
Volunteering SA
Volunteering SA provides information on volunteering opportunities, including for young people. Further information is also available on the Department for Education website
Website: http://www.volunteeringsa-nt.org.au/volunteers/find-volunteering-positions