Overview for Everyone

Who is ‘everyone’?


The work of the Commissioner is relevant to everyone who has an interest in the quality of the lives of South children and young people, particularly those children who are more vulnerable and do not often have their voices heard. Everyone who delivers services to children or young people across the South Australian community, or who interact with them through their work, has an obligation to ensure their rights are upheld and their voices heard.This group includes health professionals, law enforcement officers, lawyers and other legal representatives, members of parliament, employers, university staff and academcis, parents, carers and guardians.

There is also another group who perhaps don’t interact with children and young people on a daily basis, but who are working behind the scenes to advocate for change on their behalf, are members of the media, community leaders and influencers, decision makers, policy makers, and public servants. 

All of us must work together to do what we can to ensure children and young people have equal opportunities, tailored support where it’s needed and freedom of expression to tell us what is and isn’t working well in their lives.

To assist in this work the Commissioner publishes submissions, position briefs, reports and other resources that summarise the conversations and other consultation work undertaken with SA children and young people. These resources are produced  to make it easier for stakeholders to gain a better understanding of what issues matter most to South Australian children and young people, and what they would recommend doing to achieve positive change. 

This section of the website contains the following publications for quick download:


The Commissioner regularly makes submissions to government providing advice and information on topics of relevance to South Australian children and young people. These submissions incorporate primary research based on what children and young people have shared with the Commissioner about the lives.


There are a number of key issues impacting children and young people in South Australia that the Commissioner  feels strongly about, and to which she is committed to working with key influencers and decision-makers to bring about change. These critical issues are summarised in position briefs. 


The Commmissioner undertakes projects relating to children and young people’s health, safety, wellbeing, education and citizenship and produces summaries reporting on what children and young people said including recommendations for change. They are distributed to key stakeholders, decision makers and leaders according to the subject matter. Visit this page to download any or all of these reports.


A range of resources have been produced to support those who work closely with children and young people or have an interest in their rights.  A complete list of resources available across the entire website can also be accessed here.