This submission outlines some of the minimum amendments that need to be made to get the Children and Young People (Safety and Support) Bill up to ‘standard’, building upon the Commissioner’s previous submissions and recommendations made by both the Commissioner...
Where current age restrictions imply that tobacco use after a certain age is safe or accepted, smoke-free generation policies recognise the innate harms of tobacco use at any age and aim to prevent addiction. Smoke-free generation laws and policies challenge the idea...
The Commissioner commends the Royal Commission for the work they have undertaken to date and their commitment to seeking the views and experiences of children and young people. Designing a system to ‘better meet the needs of those who interact with it’ and to ‘end...
Climate change is seen by young people as a critical and urgent issue. Students want to be part of the change towards a greener future and to feel proud of their school and government in taking practical action to protect the environment. Members of the SA SRC have...
The child protection system is still experiencing pressure from several directions for either (a) alienating many families and communities through a response that focuses on forensic investigations and child removal, or (b) a public discourse criticising the system...