Submission to the Royal Commission into Early Childhood Education and Care, 2023
Submission to the Royal Commission into Early Childhood Education and Care published by the Commissioner for Children and Young People,...
Submission on South Australia’s Autism Strategy, 2023
Submission on South Australia's Autism Strategy published by the Commissioner for Children and Young People,...
Submission to the Inquiry into School Refusal, 2022
Submission to the Inquiry into School Refusal, published by the Commissioner for Children and Young People,...
Submission on the SA Skills Plan Concept, 2022
Submission on the South Australian Skills Plan Concept published by the Commissioner for Children and Young People published by the Commissioner for Children and Young People,...
Submission on the Proposed Code of Conduct for Teachers, 2022
Submission on the Proposed Code of Conduct for Teachers published by the Commissioner for Children and Young People,...
Submission to the Review of the National School Reform Agreement
A good education is critical to the future of every child and young person. As such, access to education is enshrined in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). Under the UNCRC, all children in Australia have the right to an education....
Submission to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights: Religious Discrimination Bill 2021 (Cth) and Related Bills
Submission to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights: Religious Discrimination Bill 2021 (Cth) and Related Bills published by the Commissioner for Children and Young People,...
Submission on the Department for Education’s Leading the Way: Year 7 to High School Pilot Project Report, 2020
Submission on the Department for Education's Leading the Way: Year 7 to High School Pilot Project Report, by the Commissioner for Children and Young People South Australia, 2020.
Submission on the Department of Education Digital Strategy, 2021
Submission on the Department of Education Digital Strategy 2021, published by the Commissioner for Children and Young People, 2021.
Submission on the Early Learning Strategy, 2021
Submission on the Department of Education's Early Learning Strategy published by the Commissioner on Children and Young People, 2021.