What You Told Us
Thousands of South Australian children and young people have been contributing to the work of the Commissioner by participating in consultations, completing surveys and polls, and sharing their thoughts and ideas via discussion groups, seminars and summits. The Commissioner could not advocate on your behalf without your input. She needs to know what matters most to you so that she can inform adults who make changes at the systemic level to fix the issues you have raised.
This is what being your Commissioner is all about.
Reporting Back To You…
The Commissioner feels strongly about reporting back to South Australian children and young people in relation to the issues and concerns you have raised with her. She is grateful to the thousands of South Australian children and young people who have shared their experiences
and provided information about their lives to assist her in making recommendations to decision makers and community leaders about what needs to change to make the lives of young South Australians better.
This website contains a wealth of content produced because of the input you have had through one-on-one conversations and group discussions, surveys and polls, and via play and other activities undertaken in settings designed to enable you to explore topics and themes without having to worry about what adults think. Some of you have been citizen researchers and policy advocates, you’ve volunteered to support various events, and you’ve kept journals and written articles about particular issues and topics that matter to you.
The subjects covered have been many and varied. They have ranged from the importance of play for older kids to ways in which digital poverty can be addressed; from fixing the environment to working out career pathways relevant to the future of work. They have included eliminating poverty and bullying, looking at mental health and at what makes a child safe environment, to name just a few.
There are all sorts of incredibly valuable pieces of information the Commissioner and her team have been able to collect (without gathering any personal identifying information) to analyse,
and turn into reports, guides, fact sheets, and videos so that other South Australian adults who are working with children and young people can gain a clearer understanding of what is working well and what needs to be addressed to ensure your rights are upheld, and that the quality of your lives is always improving.
Check out these great resources featuring what you told us on our social channels and in the
A-Z of CCYP Resources and Get Involved if you haven’t already. We look forward to hearing from you!