Where young people live, the facilities available to them locally, and their ease of access to school, activities and employment have an enormous impact on their lives and can mean the difference between getting on well in life and being impoverished. However, their...
Local councils play a critical role in realising children and young people’s rights. Councils plan and provide for many services, facilities and spaces that shape community wellbeing and participation, including libraries, parks, and play and recreation...
We know that enabling children and young people to learn about, experiment in, and engage in arts, culture and creative activities can have a big impact. It boosts civic engagement, provides a platform to explore important ideas and ways to express them, can have a...
Submission to the South Australian Government on Creating a More Child Focused Budget 2024/25 published by the Commissioner for Children and Young People, 2023. Read the...
The 2022-2023 Annual Report to Children and Young People highlights key statistics that are relevant to how the Commissioner has heard from and represented South Australian children and young people, and is intended to keep them informed about their...